Prosecuting Attorney
The Municipal Court of Weldon Spring Prosecuting Attorney is Douglas Smith.
The Prosecutor's Office prosecutes all City ordinance violations.
The office can be contacted by phone at 636.577.6548
All Requests for Recommendations/Communications must be mailed to the Weldon Spring Municipal Prosecutor at:
Doug Smith
2315 Technology Dr #119
O'Fallon, MO 63368
Requests for recommendations:
If the defense attorney seeks a recommended disposition, a request for recommendation must be filed electronically on Missouri A copy of the attorney’s Entry of Appearance, a copy of the defendant’s ticket must also be uploaded. Any relevant documentation that would assist the prosecutor in making a recommendation such as proof of insurance, registration, license reinstatement, etc., should be scanned and attached to the filing.
NOTE: If the client's charge(s) involve a motor vehicle accident, a copy of their insurance card IS NOT SUFFICIENT. Please provide either a letter from the client's insurer verifying proof of settlement or claim, with acceptance of liability or proof of restitution, as an attachment thru the site.
NOTE: All recommendations are filed on; the case will remain on the court date unless counsel requests a continuation from the Court office. It is counsel's responsibility to contact the Court to obtain a continuance; the prosecutor does not have the authority to change any court dates and all recommendations are printed with the current court date. The signed recommendation or other plea form must accompany payment to be accepted by the Court office.
Requests for discovery:
If discovery is requested, please file a written request with the prosecuting attorney. If requesting video discovery, please include a blank USB flash drive (1 per video request, i.e. booking, in-car, audio). Please provide return mailing envelope with postage affixed sufficient to facilitate return of the described documents.
Mailing Address:
Prosecuting Attorney's Office of the Municipal Court of Weldon Spring
2315 Technology Dr #119
O'Fallon, MO 63368